

Friday Evening
27 September 2024
Food by celebrity chef Matt Golinski!  
Entertainment by Soul Tree Union

Join celebrity chef Matt Golinski at a mystery location, for a gourmet celebration of all things local. Showcasing the flavours of the North Burnett region in every dish. With each bite diners will experience the vibrancy of farm fresh ingredients sourced from nearby producers. Chef Golinski’s expertise will transform these raw materials into gastronomic centrepieces that tantalise the taste buds and ignite the senses. As word spreads of this secret culinary haven, food enthusiasts will flock to discover the mystery of this region and indulge in an unforgettable dining experience that celebrates community, sustainability, and the art of fine cuisine. 

There is something for everyone!  
Come along to Mundubbera and 
help us paint our town BLUE!